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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/30/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    January 30, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …Glad to hear you weigh 162. That is a good weight to have such poor food, you must look pretty fat. If I remember right one summer you went back after your holiday and you weighed 162 and they hardly knew you you looked so fat. If you get good eating now you could easily get to 175 then I think you would be heavy enough. I hope you will get better meals with the changes in your purveyor (as you call him). Is that the man who tried to not have you in Hopkins anymore because of the way you kicked about the meals. If he is then I hope he goes and you get a better man in his place.…

    Well we have seen so much and gone round so much that I can hardly describe it to you. I think I will leave Pa to tell you all about these things as he can do it better than I can. Gossip is more in my line, but as I lost all my old gossiping friends I can't even tell you much in that line.…

    We went a couple of days to the Parliament building. The Suffragists were parading round and round with placards back and forth to vote for the women. They lost out. Now they are smashing and breaking windows and are going to get it by force.…

    Your loving Mother

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