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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/07/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    March 7, 1913

    Well My Dear Boy,

    …You seem to like Dr. Finney's manner better than Cushing's. This diversity of character will give you an opertunity of determining which is best and selecting the best for trying to controul your Irish but this will be difficult as I have been trying to straighten out Mama but can't do much with her. But say I want to advise you. You notice that sometimes she trys to correct my spelling in my letters. When this is done you must notice it carefully as she is not reliable in spelling like you and I. She critised your spelling in last letter of the word across. She said it should be accross. So of course I had to prove it by Webster and it was reluctantly accepted. Afterward she said you can't often get him wrong.

    Don't forget to tell us all you accomplish in hydrocephalus. Is it different to what you wrote to Dr. Cushing about or a continuation of the same subject?

    The new President seems to have good intentions from his inaguaral address. I hope he can carry them out but I am afraid he can't.

    The women sufferegists seem to be as troublesome in the States as here but more effective. And I think more practicable especially in starting up stores to sell provisions cheeper. I think that is in the right direction. There are many of them here who go for destructive instead of constructive means but really their is more here needs destroying than in America from what I can see.

    The people are very gullable. These big fellows with a little sop of pretended charity can get the people to follow them like our chickins used to follow us down the yard not thinking we keept them and fed them for what we could get out of them. And it is about the same here in politics. They have just had a London County Council election here. And the big fellows are just gouging the poor for all they are worth. Yet they have put them in office again and increased their number this election. Of course the franchise is not as liberal as in America.…

    We go out considerable looking at the nice dresses and powdered faced ladies that fill the streets in the shopping districts. I must not forget to tell you that we saw and spoke to the great Mrs. Pankhurst the other day. They where going to have sufferegists meeting so we stopped in to enquire about it. And she was in and came and answered our questions about the meetings. But we did not take in the meeting, as tickets was 4 shillings each.…

    Your affectionate Father

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