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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 06/25/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    June 25, 1913

    My Dear Boy,

    Your letter of June 16 received and was pleased to hear that you had no throat trouble. But I am not quite sure that the spiritualist made the mistake altogether as I had one and possibly they got us mixed by me handling the letter as I am informed that letters or articles should not be handled by others. However, let that be as it may I am glad you did not have it and mine is better long ago.

    Now let me say don't imagine we are sweltering in London. We are not. We are in just as nice a location as facing Patterson Park. In addition we are up on a hill and further it is not hot outside. The hottest it has been this summer in the sun was just nice and agreeable and inside it never is hot. We have still got our wool underwear on. I took of mine for a week and I think that was cause of sore throat for a few days. At night we sleep under 3 or 4 covers. I wish you were half as comfortable as we are and got as many good meals especially since the Boss began cooking. I eat so much for dinner I could scarcely move and now just had fine tea, strawberries and cake. Don't your teeth water and only 6 cts per pound and fine ones, nicer than Charlie Greens.…

    Say I thought you understood Socialism better than to infer that they don't give credit to inventive ability. I think as a whole they encourage it and would give you credit for it. In fact I often hear them advance the idea in regard to doctors that they should be payed to keep people from getting sick rather than attendance when they are sick. But untill they can devise ways of prevention by all means they are curing after they are sick.

    Say I and Mama went last Sunday afternoon to hear the great antivivisectionist. She is a fine speaker but I think her arguments are defective and much one sided. I think she has more respect for dogs than humans. In fact she don't have much use for doctors especially surgeons. And of course that cuts her short with us.… She infers we would not need doctors if we would trust the Almighty. But I fancy if she broke her leg or had some deadly dessease that science is known to cure she would try it. If not I think it would at once show her prejudice.

    Now in regard to your work we feel you will do right and I would like to be near you and hear you tell about what you were finding out in research. Do you think Dr. Halsted had any special meaning when he said they would take good care of you?

    Do you know the reason Ford sold out to Standered Oil? Will it affict Detroit Hospital do you think?

    Your affectionate Father

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