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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 04/15/1912

    Baltimore, Md.

    April 15, 1912

    Dear Mother and Father,

    I have been so busy lately that I am a little late. You say you missed a letter. I don't see why. I have written every week regularly.

    Well have had another busy week. Did one operation myself. A man of 60 fell, and fractured his skull and had a haemorrhage resulting therefrom with secondary paralysis of one side. He was irrational. Had a fierce operation but pulled through it all right and he is now well and paralysis cleared up.

    Dr. Cushing went to Washington today and turned the class over to me. It is a class of 4th year students, and I gave ward rounds and explained the cases to them. This was quite an honor and I carried it off in great shape I think. They seemed to stand the strain all right.

    Well I am feeling fine in the midst of all the work, played ball a couple of times, feels great like old times.

    I don't know anything about next year yet. Dr. Jackson just wrote me that Johnson was going back to Missouri to remain permanently in anatomy. He did not offer me anything. Said the legislature might establish a new state hospital there and if so open up the last two years again.

    Haven't sold my diamond yet. Sometimes I think I ought to keep it and give it to my girl (when I get one) so as to keep it in the family. But that is so far ahead. I would almost be able to double the money in that time.

    Give my felicitations to May and tell her I hope she never regrets it but enjoys it always.

    Wasn't that a terrible thing-the Titanic going down. The papers are full of it. Did you see any icebergs when you went across. Haven't seen Mrs. Selby yet. Will go out some of these days.

    Dr. Cushing has certainly been treating me fine. It amuses me to hear you wax so ardently enthusiastic about visions and air castles. The distance is far.

    Well my stocks went up and I did not get in on them, so I am behind again. But they will be back again. You say something about the millionaire girl. She couldn't tempt me with all of it. What care I for money.

    Dr. Cushing got $5000 for an operation last week. And $1500 for another besides numerous small ones of $500 or the like. Which don't really count. The man took me to the Belvedere for dinner and invited me to Milwaukee to visit him. Lots of offers haven't I?

    The Sedalia papers seem to have stopped again. Nothing in them anyhow. My clothes are getting too big again, about 160 I guess. Feel good, work hard, eat rotten grub, but it is a little better. Have spent many a dollar for eating this year. Think I have about $500 now. Wait till I soak it in stocks and it will double nicely!!?? Well I think this is all at present.

    Your loving son, Walter

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