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  • 3-years single-centre audit for prevalence and outcome of primary and metastatic brain tumours

    Final Number:

    Catherine Hui Chuen Ho MD; Radzi Hamzah MBBS; Swee San Lim MS; Donald Ngian San Liew FRACS; Albert Sii Hieng Wong FRACS

    Study Design:

    Subject Category:

    Meeting: Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2018 Annual Meeting - Late Breaking Science

    Introduction: Brain tumours may originate primarily from neural elements within the brain or secondarily as metastatic tumour. They carry a high mortality rate and has a devastating impact on patients and their families. This study is to review the prevalence and trends of brain tumours treated in Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia from year 2015 to 2017

    Methods: This is a prospective data collections of patients with tumours that are admitted and referred to neurosurgical departments from year 2015 till end of year 2017. A total of 450 patients admitted and managed by our department during that duration.

    Results: Majority of patients of patients admitted are predominantly female and age group of 51-60 years. Majority of cases are primary brain tumour (~ 75% of total cases) with quarter of it is meningioma case. >50 % of patients with metastases succumb to death within 12 months of diagnosis while on the other hand, only 15% of primary tumour patients passed away; mainly due to disease progression.

    Conclusions: Incidence of most tumour subtypes are comparable to worldwide distribution. These data can serve as a basis for comparison with other neurosurgical centres and will eventually lead to an improvement of neurosurgical practice and patient care.

    Patient Care: Increase awareness of brain tumour for the community especially for us in developing country in which resources can be limited especially to those in district areas.

    Learning Objectives: 1) Earlier diagnosis of cases with metastases can improve the survival rate of patients


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