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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/13/1911

    89 Anson Street

    Barrow in Furness, England

    November 13, 1911

    My Dear Son,

    …Glad you are keeping up under so much work and enjoying the great privalage of being Asst. to the great brain specialast of America. Something your heart yearned for and thought you would be the happyest man on earth if you got it. It certainly looks as though your paths was prepared for you. To travel in and survey and finaly take possession of all.

    Well we still meet many old faces in the Gospel Hall some we know and some we don't. And the same about us of course. They remember and address Mama as Miss Kilpatrick, although once familiar now sounds strange to us.

    The meetings in Gospel Hall are fine, reminds us of good old days gone by.… A man named Baird who has been in China and South Africa has been haveing some good meetings in old Barrow in Gospel Hall their. The meetings concluded Saturday night. Had tea in their hall in the afternoon.

    We have got passes to go through the steel and iron works and tonight we expect to go through. Mathew Todd is going to show us through. He works there. It is nicest to go through in the night time. I am afraid we can't get through the ship yards they are so strict for fear of spies. We were lucky to get through the steel works.

    You ask if we are going to stay here. It is rather early to decide. Some things we like here and some we don't like as well. Two princaple things in the States that would take us back is awer Boy and investments. Personaly I am not much stuck on investments in Barrow as it is rather out of the way town and practically controled by 2 or 3 large industeries that I would be afraid of collapsing although at the present they are very prosperous and the town is fine. The cleanest I was ever in.

    I am not sure we told you of awer visit to Furness Abbey. If not will say it looks fine as of old. Also the lovely lanes arround Barrow where Mama and I used to court. Looks just as nice as ever. And the latter part of this week she is going to take and show me in Ireland those big hills she used to run down when a little girl. And the boys run after her. And she run away like she did from me on Bath Street.

    She is feeling good quite saucy and bossey. And looks fine in her new costumes. We have been busy buying presents for Ireland.…

    Your affectionate Father

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