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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 08/28/1934

    I think the joke is on you. Here I am sleeping under blankets (1) every night. Lots of rain, everything green as springtime. The painter is doing the work. Didn’t know which pantry you meant, so took both of them. Finishing tomorrow.

    Young Fagin is back. You could never have seen such joy as this young fellow evidenced on arrival Monday night. He was held on a leash out front until I opened the back door and called Fagin. Such speed and romping. He burst in and all over me, back and forth and up the stairs, tearing all the rugs from their moorings en route. He just couldn’t be repressed. Have been trying to get Helen to give him a bath, but she finds excuses.

    Haven’t heard from your boy. Didn’t get to go to Chicago - was already, but work piled up. Have been very busy. Have about completed proofreading on new book. Played golf twice. Too cold to swim. Been going to bed early. Mr. Malone comes over to have breakfast with me. Grass cut yesterday. “Easy” washed everything Monday. Everything is going nicely so stay as long as you wish. Will take care of Walter when he comes.

    Finally got entire check from Tramel, perhaps because I wrote that I had turned it over for suit. Got nice letter from her. Going to Griff Davis for tea this afternoon and bridge at home tonight. Miss my three little girls, including turbulence. Tell Mary no one ever gets hurt riding on trains, especially our railroad.

    Meniere’s paper is out and getting quite a number of new cases of this type. Having quite a hard time with my new assistant. Don’t see how he can make the grade. Wish I had Kunkel another year or for keeps. Had dinner with Luke Hopkins at Country Club last week. Saw Griswold at the bank and told him Weed was an impossible choice for Hopkins. He approved. Am looking forward to homecoming, but stay until you have had enough. Everything will go O.K.

    Love and love and love,


    There should be a sprinkler somewhere.

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