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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/09/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    November 9, 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …Well the parties moved in next door and I like her very well. She weighs 163. She says she used to be as thin as me, (she says I am fat enough). She is very clean, and a good talker. She is one of these that brags that she would die before she would give in, black eyes and hair, a very kind good hearted woman. I enjoy talking to her. No smell in the house, every place nice and clean up stairs and downstairs. Papa says the house smells different. (he says I had better go and see Mrs. Rose before the house begins to smell.) They have a graphone here. We are all very comfortable. He works at the M.K.T. [Missouri, Kansas, Texas] shops. They are thinking of building in spring. Rufus Smallwood and bride has come back, and they were sorry they missed getting this place. She said to Papa why didn't he keep it for them. I believe I like these people better, they are so nice and quiet.

    Well Polly and the mother came down last night. Polly announced her wedding and invited us to the church. She is to be married day before Thanksgiving. She goes right from the church to the train. They are going to St. Louis for 3 or 4 days. She did not look very well. I guess she is worring. She wished it was over. She has got some fine clothes. She is going to be married in that lace she showed you once over white satin. She told us not to tell anyone. Papa said we will tell awer boy. She said don't for he would send me an awful card. There will only be a few at the church. Gornals and us and 2 or 3 more.

    Papa says knives and forks are not enough for a present. He wants to buy her knives and forks, big and little spoons, cost about $10.50. What do you say?

    The mother says Stanley is not doing much. She says he ought to leave. She says Schwalds practise is not much. He gets horses and corn and everything like that for his work. She says Stanley ought to get out of there. It is a poor place to live in. (Schwald used to have a fine practise and was making lots of money when Stanley was with him but everything is changed now). I believe Stanley is going to have a hard time to keep Ann and himself. I think he would have been better if he had not married till he had got something perminent.

    Mrs. Minnier came in this morning to invite me to a prayer meeting at her house this morning so I went and it was very good. So I am going with her tonight to hear Dr. Lorey, successor to Mr. Moody.

    You will be surprised to hear our butter woman quit us. It was not good the last times and I mentioned it to her and she got mad about it and sent me a card to get somebody else to supply me. So Papa has got another. I think it will be good. It was very bad last week. We could not touch it. I think she quit taking ice too soon.…

    Your loving Mother

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