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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 10/10/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    October 10, 1910

    My Dear Son,

    …Well Papa has just gone to make another trip. I believe he is quite satisfied to quit and go to Baltimore. We went downtown the other night and saw a beautiful plush coat in the window. It was $32. He thought he would work an extra trip or two and buy me some nice clothes. I want to get either a suit or a coat. They are wearing the coats a good deal. Pretty near to the bottom of their dresses. Let me know which is worn most there. I must get one before I go.…

    We have not decided on any particular time to get to Baltimore, sometime before Thanksgiving if the weather keeps nice.… Pa says he would not board and I have no desire to board, rather have your own home. I think if everything is the same for you we might as well live in the suburbs. I guess we will have to board a week or two. That will be as long as we will care to board.

    I think Mrs. Dusenberry will take the range. She does not know whether to build or not. If she doesn't she wants our side of the house. She has been married 30 years and she has only saved $430. She says if Dusenberry had married some women he would not have had a red cent.

    I felt sorry for that poor professor that you mentioned, out of a job and especially when you had anything to do with it. I hope he gets back. If you could do anything to help him get back I believe I would try and get him back. He was so nice to you, regardless of what you had said or done. Maybe he could do better if he had another position.

    I guess we might as well sell our lamps. Do they use gas altogether?.…

    Your loving Mother

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