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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/24/1913

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    January 24, 1913

    My Dear Boy,

    … We are still very comfortable and well satisfied. At the same time America is beginning to look good to us. The moter cars and stores operated by Americans and Cooks Tourist Offices with American dollar bills etc. all remind us of how we do and should appreciate America. I saw a miniature motor car yesterday in the Chatalic [Cadillac] Moter Garrage or store which will be nice for you when you have one.

    Say did I ever tell you that the only job I want is what I have got, except I would like the job of looking after your moter car and taking you to and from work with it. But I presume I will have to wait a few months longer to do this. Till then I am satisfied to go out with the Boss. Motering is not very pleasant in London account of the dense conditions in some streets. They are as thick and resemble ants on an ant hill going in all directions.…

    You would not take up with Miss Campbell. I see where Mr. F.J. Shepard as taken advantage of Ellen Gould and her millions. I think he will soon be promoted to President of the R.R. I see where Teddy is much interested in the workers in New York and Wilson is going to destroy the trusts. The Appeal says he can't do it.…

    Your affectionate Father

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